nicole piller pilates yoga & reiki

a union of body, mind and spirit

Pelvic Power & Core Integration Workshop

Pelvic Power for Core Integration

Taught by NICOLE PILLER, Certified Franklin Method Educator, Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Date: Saturday November 18, 2023

Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Location: Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio: 6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto / or via Zoom

The pelvis is at the center of the body and affects everything above and below it.  In this workshop we will use imagery and movement to experience how the pelvis moves and its relationship to healthy pelvic floor, hip flexor, low back and SI joint function.

The focus of the workshop will include:

  • Movement possibilities of the pelvis & how it corresponds to safe and efficient movement patterns and postural positions for the hips and low back.
  • Train the pelvic floor, and increase flexibility in the hip joints, low back, and knees.
  • Integrate the hip flexors (the mighty psoas muscles) to create balanced movement and posture.
  • Ball rolling and other easy to use tools that will help you to apply this information into your everyday activities and exercise.

*Each participant will receive a handout of the information covered in the workshop.

Price: $80 + HST. Early Bird price: $70 + HST (Registered and paid for before November 3, 2023).

This workshop will be offered as a hybrid of in person at the studio and online via zoom.  If you cannot make it in person to the studio or on zoom, a recording of the workshop will be sent to you (good for 3 months).  BONUS:  All who register with the Early Bird pricing will receive a recording of the workshop- in addition to attending the workshop (recording good for 6 months).

For information email: or call: (416) 729-0367.

30 Minute Zoom Chair Pilates/Yoga/Strength Training Class

This beginner level class is designed to improve mobility, neuroplasticity, balance and strength for the older population and/ or those with mobility issues, post-surgery, or injuries. All exercises will be done seated on a chair or standing with the support of a chair. All exercises can be modified to accommodate for a more active class or a gentler pace, and is appropriate for any level.  No previous experience required.


Monday Nov. 15, 22, 29 & Dec. 6, 13 and 20 at 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Cost:   6 week Series is $95 (BONUS: cost includes a recording sent out to all participants to repeat at their own convenience – and as often as you like!  The recording is available for a week). * HST is included.

EARLY BIRD PRICING:  Sign up and pay by November 8, and pay $84. 

Once you have paid, the link to join via Zoom will be sent to your email.

Miss a class, no worries, everyone will get a recording of the class that will be available for 1 week.

For more information, email:

Or call (416) 729-0367.

Monthly Monday Spotlight Series


One Monday a month, a 1.15 hour workshop will be offered spotlighting a different area of the body.  Each workshop will be filled with imagery, movement and embodied anatomy to improve function and well-being in body and mind.  You will have easy take away tools you can use anytime (in minutes a day) to improve how you feel. Upcoming workshops:

Monday Jan.  27:  6:15 – 7:30 pm:   Free Your Neck.  Melt tension away in the neck using imagery and exercises and experience this area as a place of comfort and ease.

Monday Feb.  24:  6:15 – 7:30 pm:    Liberate Your Spine.  Learn imagery and movement exercises to increase mobility and strength of your spine and relieve tension.

Monday March 30:  6:15 – 7:30 pm  ELDOA: Creating a Home Practice. Create a home practice of ELDOA’s that include factors of progression and key ELDOA’s for each area of the spine to open up joint space, decompress and rejuvenate the spine.

Monday April 27:  6:15 – 7:30 pm:    Mind/Body & the Art of Change.  If you want to change your body, first change your mind.  In this imagery based workshop, you will learn mind/body techniques to improve how you feel (physically and mentally) with simple and easy to use tools that can create a difference… within minutes a day.

Monday May 25:  6:15 – 7:30 pm:    Strong & Flexible Knees.  Using imagery and movement, you will improve the function, balance, flexibility, and the overall health of your knees.

Each workshop will be $45.  Buy a card of 4 Spotlight Series (you can use for any one of the 5 workshops between Jan. – May), cost is $160 ($40 each workshop, hst included).  AND you can transfer a workshop or gift any of the workshops to a loved one!

Monthly Monday Spotlight Series

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NEW monthly Monday Spotlight Series starting in September. One Monday a month, a 1.15 hour workshop will be offered spotlighting a different area of the body or topic. Each workshop will be filled with imagery, movement and embodied anatomy to improve function and well-being in body and mind.  You will have easy take away tools you can use anytime (and in minutes a day) to improve how you feel.  As a bonus, all workshops will include at least one audio recording of some of the movements / exercises we do in that workshop, and a brief handout.

The first Monday will be on September 30th at 6:15 – 7:30 pm and it will spotlight Pelvic Power for Core Integration (lots of fabulous pelvic floor stuff in this workshop!). 

Monday October 28th: 6:15 – 7:30 pm: Free your Neck and Liberate Your Shoulders. Ideal if you experience tight neck, stiff shoulders or limited range of motion in your arms. Restore the natural balance, strength, and mobility in the arms, shoulders and neck. Learn how to melt away tension in this often stressed out area and experience your shoulders and neck as a place of ease and comfort.

Monday November 25th: 6:15 – 7:30 pm: Body Rolling for Whole Body Bliss. This feel good workshop is the ultimate in self-care that will include ball rolling sequences for the body from head to toe to release muscular tension, free up fascia, create space and improve function. Recorded sequences will be provided. A perfect and stress free way to glide into the liveliness of the holiday season!

Each workshop will be $45 BUT, if you buy a card of 5 Spotlight Series (you can use for any one of the 8 workshops between Sept. – May), cost will be $190 ($38 each workshop), prices include HST.  AND you can transfer the workshop or gift any of the workshops to a loved one!

Topics on the horizon include: Liberating your Shoulders; Healthy & Happy Spine; Fabulous Feet; Ball Rolling for Fascial Release; Strong Knees; Mind/Body & the Art of Change; ELDOA home practice). 

For more information, email:

or call: (416) 729-0367

Chakra 3 & 4 Workshop: Finding Your Personal Power with Heart

Chakra 3 & 4 Workshop: Finding Your Personal Power with Heart

Taught by Nicole Piller (Certified Pilates & Yoga Instructor & Reiki Practitioner)

Date:  Sunday May 5, 2019.  1:00 – 3:45 pm

Location:  Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio:  6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto(Coxwell & Danforth, 5 minutes from Coxwell subway station)

The chakras represent the energy centres in the body. When they are open and balanced we can experience health and aliveness in our physical and emotional bodies and in our relationships with others.

In this workshop you will learn how to bring energy and strength into your physical, mental, and emotional body building confidence and self-esteem.  You will also learn how to connect to your heart and act from your heart enabling you to become less reactive and deepen all of your relationships (personal, work and familial).  When we open the heart, we connect to all that is: universal love and joy.

Learn how the third and fourth chakras can become excessive or deficient from unconsciously held defense patterns. Learn how to bring these chakras into balance through lecture, yoga poses, breathing, meditation practice, crystals, essential oils, and daily activities.

A detailed handout will be provided to each participant on all the material covered in the workshop.

Price: 78 + HST. Early Bird Special is $72 + HST (Registered and paid for before April 29, 2019).   Maximum of 7 people.  For more information call: (416) 729-0367, or email:

Chakra Workshop: Chakra 1 & 2

Chakra Workshop:  Chakra 1 & 2

Taught by Nicole Piller (Certified Pilates & Yoga Instructor & Reiki Practitioner)

Date:  Sunday November 25, 2018:  1:00 – 3:45 pm

Location:  Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio:   6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto

The chakras originate from the yoga traditions of India and represent the energy centers in the body.  When our chakras are balanced and open allowing energy to flow, we can experience balance, health and aliveness in our physical and emotional bodies, and in our relationships with others.

In this workshop we will explore our lower two chakras which provide the foundation for the rest of the chakra system. You will learn how the root and second chakras can become excessive or deficient from unconsciously held defense patterns.  Learn how to bring the lower chakras into balance through lecture, yoga poses, breathing and meditation practises, bio-energetic exercises, and daily activities.

A detailed handout will be provided to each participant with all the information from the course. A bonus audio meditation will be given to each participant.

Price: $76 + HST. Early Bird Special is $70 + HST (Registered and paid for before November 9, 2018).

Maximum of 7 people!  For more information call: (416) 729-0367, or email:


Introduction to Crystals Workshop

Introduction to Crystals Workshop

Taught by Nicole Piller (Certified Pilates & Yoga Instructor & Reiki Practitioner) & Stephanie Ann (Founder of “Rocks Ann Stones” Jewelery)

Date: Saturday, November 10, 2018: 3:00–4:30 pm

Location: Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio: 6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto

(Coxwell & Danforth, 5 minutes from Coxwell subway station)

Crystals have been used for thousands of years for emotional and physical healing and protection. Delve into the world of crystals with this introductory course and learn how to work with crystals to enhance your life.

In this course you will learn:

  • A brief history of crystals and how they have been used through the centuries.
  • About 13 crystals that make up a perfect “starter kit” with crystals for healing, protection, grounding and raising energy.
  • How to select, cleanse and program your crystals to help you in a focused way.
  • Crystals that you can use in the home for different purposes.

A detailed handout will be provided to each participant with all the information from the course.

Price: $45 + HST. Early Bird Special is $40 + HST (Registered and paid for before November 1, 2018).

Space is limited! For more information call: (416) 729-0367, or email:

Relax Your Neck & Liberate Your Shoulders

FRANKLIN METHOD®                                          

Relax Your Neck & Liberate Your Shoulders

Taught by NICOLE PILLER, Franklin Method Educator, Certified Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Date:  Saturday, May 12th:  2:00 – 4:15 pm

Location:  Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio: 6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto. (Coxwell & Danforth, 5 minutes from Coxwell subway station)

Do you experience a tight neck, stiff shoulders, or limited range of motion in your arms?  Experience the power of imagery, touch, and movement exercises to restore the natural balance, strength, and mobility in the arms, shoulders, and neck. Learn how to melt away tension in this often stressed out area and experience your shoulders and neck as a place of ease and comfort.

In this workshop you will learn and experience:   

The joints in the shoulder and how they move in symphony with each other to increase range of movement with ease and fluidity.

  • The joints in the shoulder and how they move in symphony with each other to increase range of movement with ease and fluidity.
  • How to release tension and holding patterns that restrict movement.
  • How to decrease the risk of injury in the neck and shoulder girdle.
  • Ball rolling and other easy to use tools to create positive change. Upgrade how you feel, within minutes!

Price: $67 + HST. Early Bird Special is $62 + HST (Registered and paid by May 1, 2018).

Space is limited to a maximum of 7 people.

For more information call: (416) 729-0367, or email:

Franklin Method: Mini Pelvic Power Workshop

Pelvic Power for Core Integration

Taught by NICOLE PILLER, Certified Franklin Method Educator, Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Date: Monday, April 23, 2018

Time: 6:15 pm–7:15 pm

Location: Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio: 6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto

This mini workshop will provide you with a deep understanding of the pelvis. There are many movement possibilities of the pelvis as a unit and different joints within the pelvis allow the bones that make up the pelvis to move in relationship to each other and the thigh bones.

The focus of the workshop will include:

  • Embodied experiences of the bone rhythms within the pelvis.
  • How the pelvis and thigh bone move in relationship to each other.
  • Experiencing how these different bone rhythms create safe and efficient movement, train the pelvic floor, and increase flexibility in the hip joints, low back, and even the knees.
  • Easy to use tools to apply this information into your everyday activities and exercise, no equipment required!

*Each participant will receive a handout of the information covered in the workshop.

Price: $32 + HST. Early Bird price: $27 + HST (Registered and paid for before April 9, 2018). Space is limited to a maximum of 7 people.

For information email: or call: (416) 729-0367.


2 Franklin Method Workshops: Pelvic Power & Healthy Spine

Join me for 2 FRANKLIN METHOD WORKSHOPS!              

Taught by NICOLE PILLER, Franklin Method Educator and Certified Pilates & Yoga Instructor

Date: Saturday, February 3, 2018

Location: Nicole Piller Pilates & Yoga Studio: 6 Woodrow Ave., Toronto

Pelvic Power for Core Integration: (1:30–3:00 pm)

This workshop will provide you with an understanding of the pelvis, how the bones of the pelvis move, and how balanced movement of the pelvic bones not only supports healthy function and alignment of the pelvis and organs, but also of the spine, knees, shoulders and feet. In this workshop you will learn:

  • The design and function of the pelvis.
  • Effortless alignment and balance for the pelvis and the whole body by learning and having an embodied experience of how bone rhythms of the pelvis create safe and efficient movement.
  • How the pelvis supports good posture and how to train good posture.
  • Increased freedom and flexibility in the hip joints, low back, and even the knees!
  • How to effectively work and strengthen the pelvic floor using imagery with ball and band exercises, and in everyday activities (no equipment required!).

 Healthy Spine: Imagery & Exercise for a Healthy, Strong & Flexible Spine: (3:30–5:00 pm)

The spine is a masterpiece of design that has many muscles, ligaments, and over 100 joints. Many people suffer from debilitating pain associated with the spine. In this workshop we will look at what influences spinal health, the design and functions of the spine and use imagery with movement exercises to increase mobility, strength, decompress the spine and relieve tension.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • Imagery exercises to strengthen muscles, joints, and intervertebral discs of the spine.
  • Imagery and movement to improve flexibility and overall well-being.
  • Optimal posture.
  • Franklin Ball massage and soft tissue release for the back.
  • To understand the cues in exercise (Pilates, Yoga, Dance, Personal Training) that support optimal function.

Price: Each workshop is $49 + HST. Early Bird price for each workshop is $44 + HST (Registered and paid for before January 22, 2018).

*Take both workshops and SAVE: $80 + HST (for both workshops). Space is limited to a maximum of 7 people. 

For information email:, or call: (416) 729-0367.